Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Magazine Bracelet

How to Make a Magazine Bracelet. 
Mothers Day Recycled Craft Idea #3

I have been making jewelry for about 8 or 9 years now. The idea to make magazine jewelry is new. i hope you like what I've come up with. Feel free to comment :) To check out my other jewelry go here:
To check out My Magazine Baskets go here:

What you are Making

Step One: 

I used a square from the previous flower project. (fold a magazine page in half vertically and than fold that in half horizontally) Cut out those four squares. Fold one into a triangle shape.

Fold towards the point. The fold here is about half an inch

Fold again :)

Place a piece of tape (or some glue stick glue, some elmers glue, double sided tape) or whatever else you should so choose to use, under the triangle and tape it down so it stays put.

Now take another square and fold it about a quarter of an inch. (use different colors and prints for whatever color, or style you prefer)

Fold it again. Glue or tape to keep in place.

Tape or glue the first piece to the second :)

Repeat Steps for second piece. To make a 2nd second piece. Tape those together as well.

Tape the bracelet together. (make it large enough to slip on 
and  off of you wrist
TA DA!!! a magazine bracelet. ( For a more durable 
bracelet Tape over entire bracelet)
bracelet with a clear Tape


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